A couple weeks ago I was reviewing old photos on our computer. I stumbled across the one to the right and I wished I could place the moment in my mind. Based on the surroundings, it looks like we may have been at Costco. Looking at the photo brought back a flood of many fond memories pushing the buggy with my two kids in it. I remember how they would share food and chat with each other. I remember the giggles and I remember loving how they would hold hands and how often they would fall asleep on one and other in the jogging stroller.
Looking back at those special moments in time, I don't think I thought much of them at the time. I was just going about my daily activities, pushing my two kids... Now in hindsight, I realize just how special those moments were.
I wish that I had of known the last time I would push both my kids in the buggy at the grocery store or the last time the two kids would be together in the jogging stroller. I know I would have pushed a little longer, snapped more photos, and just cherished the time with them. But unfortunately we never know when those last moments will be. We continue to go about our daily events without much thought to last moments.
On this past family day weekend, the kids decided they wanted to go to Chuck E Cheese. Matthew is 12 and half and Megan is 10 and half so on the drive to Langley, I began to wonder if this trip might be a "last moment". Both kids are getting older and are likely to eventually succumb to the pressure of what is and what isn't cool (although I hope they don't). I wonder if there might come a day when it won't be cool to go to Chuck E Cheese because it will be seen as a kiddies place. So on Saturday, I just revelled in the moment of fun my kids, Scott and I were having. I played the games with them and we discussed which games might give us more tickets and why. We laughed while we watched Scott play basketball grinning from ear to ear. And I just soaked up the moment, more aware of how special these times are.