Sunday, 20 January 2013

Strength - My 2013 Little Word

Wow ~ what a year it has been.   2012 was very good to me and my family but wasn't without its challenges.

My word for 2012 was WONDER.  I did a lot of wondering and in the end I think I came out of the year knowing more, thinking more critically, and having a better overall view of life in general.   Some days I simply wondered how I would survive everything I needed to do... and other days I would lose myself in wondering about complex topics.   I have always been passionately curious.   I ask a lot of questions and like all the little details.  My questions allowed me to view and think about things, people, family, and education from multiple perspectives.   This helped me to focus in on what is important and what is less so.

Unfortunately as my schedule became increasingly busy, I wasn't able to write on my blog as often as I would have liked.  I did wonder how I could make this a priority as I find that through writing I am able to thoughtfully reflect and come to better understandings.   I never did find a way!

This year my focus word of the year came to me early.   Some time in October I felt the need to channel my inner strength to help guide and sustain me through what I believe will be one of the most challenging periods of my life ~ finishing the last bit of my Masters (completion set for August), working 80% (really 100% plus), parenting two kids, learning a new role at UBC, and holding dear those other things in life that I value such as friends, family and fun.  It was in this moment that I knew I had my word.

Although I am only in the beginning of understanding what Strength will mean to me this year, below are some of my initial thoughts.

This year I need strength:
  • to stay focused and positive and not let the burden of worries tarnish the happiness of the day
  • to have the difficult discussions and say things that others may not want to hear but need to hear in thoughtful, and respectful ways.  In my new role, this is a requirement. 
  • to find the energy to deal with parenting challenges that should be addressed.   It is far easier to let things go but that doesn't do anyone any good.  
  • to stay up late at night working so that I can give daytime hours to my family.
  • to honour my own professional thoughts and opinions and stand for what I believe in.
  • to say "no" to things and not feel badly.  Unfortunately this means no book club, less coffee dates, and missing some 240 club meetings.
  • to remain calm and rationale when what I really feel like doing is screaming and throwing a fit!
  • to resist those late night snacks!
  • to let go of my wish to have the house (well, really the floors) clean at all times.
  • to try to post at least twice a month on the blog.   I have found that writing brings me much reflection, laughter, and peace.  
  • to remember that I do have the strength to endure ~ I just need to believe I can do it. 
Much thanks goes to both Janice and Lisa for their blogs and journeys with the one Little Word Project which was initiated by Ali Edwards.  Their blogposts bring me much wisdom, laughter, connections, reflections, and smiles.   I also thank my friend Toshi who got me kick-started and taught me how to blog.  A year into blogging I am hooked.  Throughout my grandfather's life he wrote in a daily journal and these have since been converted to text and shared with the family.   I see this as his ultimate legacy which he left for us and although I do not place my blog in this high regard, I do believe it is part of my small little footprint in this world.