Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Christmas Fun

The decorations have been hung on the tree with care
And Rachoo, our Elf has returned with a flair
Christmas baking has begun, this year Gluten free
Despite no wheat flour, our treats bring glee!


Mix together the dry ingredients and cut in butter until it is crumbly.  Empty into 8 x 11 greased glass dish and pat down evenly with your fingers.

  • 2 1/2 cups of Gluten-free flour (We used Cup for Cup - just make sure yours has xanthan gum or you'll need to add it)  *For those who don't need to do GF - use 1 1/2 cups of regular flour
  • 3/4 cup of packed brown sugar
  • 3/4 cup of softened butter
Bake the dish in the oven at 350 degrees for 15 - 20 minutes or until golden brown.

First Layer:
While you base is baking, heat one can of sweetened condensed milk with 2 Tbsp of butter over medium heat.  Stir frequently until thickened.  Usually about 8 - 10 minutes. 

  • 1 can of Sweetened Condensed Milk
  • 2 Tbsp of butter
Pour the topping over the baked crust bottom and then place back into the oven for another 10 - 12 minutes until the next layer is bubbly.

Last Layers:
Pour a bag and bit of chocolate chips evenly over the top.  Place the dish back in the oven for 2 minutes or until the chocolate chips are shiny.  Use a spatula to smooth melted chocolate evenly.  Then add a bag and a bit of Skor bits (they sell these in the baking aisle at most grocery stores - in the States they are called Heath bits).  I usually press these down lightly so they stick.


Tuesday, 26 November 2013

I'm back...

I can't believe that the last time I wrote a post it was June and now here we are in November.  I would love to say it was because I have been so busy doing this and that... but truth be told, I've been enjoying a lot of down time.  I have spent time reconnecting with myself, my family and friends and rediscovering things that bring me joy.  Unfortunately the idea of blogging reminded me too much of online work for Masters, therefore I avoided it like the plague.

So what has happened in my life since June?
  • Megan turned 8 - and I feel very guilty for not posting about it  :(
  • Both Scott and Megan were diagnosed with Celiac's disease which has made some vast changes in the way our house eats
  • We did our annual camping trip with the Mommy Group - always fun!
  • I completed my Masters the third week of August - Elation set in...
  • Our house went up for sale - It sold in four days - and then the deal was retracted - and then when we were in Vegas it sold again... and we bought a lot and have decided to build again -very stressful week and then month.
  • We moved to a rental place mid-September and are adjusting.  It still doesn't feel like home. 
  • I continue to teach and supervise B.Ed. students at UBC and teach one day in a Grades 3/4 class
  • Megan started Grade Three and Matt began Grade Five
  • I turned 39! 
Three months free from any Masters work, I have realized how wonderful it is to have the freedom of time.  Yes, our family like most, has the schedules of sports and other activities to contend with.  Matthew plays hockey and soccer and Megan also plays soccer and attends Brownies.  Although these events take bits of time out of our week, there remains so much other time for us to be together. Time to simply cuddle, to relax, to read for fun, play games, visit and really take time for friendships, time to watch TV shows, go for walks, and not rush through the every day activities that must be done.

This is the time I now realize I gave up these past two years.  I don't regret my Masters, but only now in reflection can I see the toll it took on everyone and what others gave up to ensure I succeeded.  I feel very lucky to be so loved by both my husband and mom who gave tremendously of themselves (driving, watching the kids, putting up with my shortness when I was stressed, keeping my house clean and everyone fed) to give me the time I needed to work.  Although only I will receive the degree tomorrow, I feel that each of them deserve an award as well!  I am so grateful to them.

As someone who takes comfort in being busy, the slower change of pace has taken a bit of adjusting to. I was focussed for so long on staying strong (my word of the year was STRENGTH) that honestly when things slowed down I wasn't sure what to do with myself.  Like I mentioned above, initially I sought a lot of down time.  Really, I think I napped and slept more in the past three months that I have in a long, long time.  I didn't realize how burnt out I was.  Now that my energy has increased, I feel like I have my groove back.  And funny enough along with this, I think I may have also found my 2014 word of the year.  Each day these past few weeks I have been trying to focus on (seeking and committing to) that which bring me JOY and making it a priority.

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Matthew Turns TEN

Ten years ago today I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy!  Some days it seems like just yesterday and at other times it feels like forever ago.  Matthew has been a true blessing in my life and has changed me in so many wonderful and positive ways, as having children does.  I am so privileged to be his mom and I am so proud of the little man he is becoming.

In honour of his tenth birthday I have written a TOP TEN list of some of the wonderful things about Matthew!


  1. Matthew is a HAPPY kid!  Truly - he wears a smile most of the day and it a joy to be around.
  2. He is LOVING.... he still likes cuddles and will hold my hand when we take the dog for a walk.  
  3. He is CURIOUS and asks lots and lots of questions.  
  4. Matthew is a good FRIEND and likes the company of others.
  5. He is PASSIONATE about all sports and loves the fun of the game!  He is a good sport and never gets upset as the team goalie when he has a bad game.
  6. He is INNOCENT and has a genuine sense of wonder about him. 
  7. Matthew is OUTGOING and not in the slightest bit shy.  He happily performs his 'dance moves' when we have friends over for dinner.  Usually he is the LEADER of the group and likes to organize all the kids.  
  8. Matthew is ENTHUSIASTIC about most things in life including school and sports.  He does not like to be sick and never complains about his commitments.  In fact, he gets up early, eager to greet the day and hates to be late for anything. 
  9. He is an ENTREPRENEUR  - He consistently sets up lemonade stands and even tried to sell his art work  several years ago.  He is learning how to save his money
  10. Matthew DREAMS big and sees a world of opportunities!
Cookies he helped me to make to share
with his class on his special day!!!
Yes, he does fight with his sister and argue with Scott and I.  He can be stubborn and slow to do what is asked of him when it is something he does not want to do (e.g., make his bed, brush his teeth, etc.).  Overall though, he is a great kid and I love him so much!  

As much as I enjoy watching him grow, it makes me sad too, as I know that one day he will be grown. So tonight I am reminding myself that time is fleeting and I need to cherish my time with my big/little boy!  Tonight I am going to mimic the mom in the Robert Munsch book Love You Forever and I am going to creep up to his bed and sneak in a quiet cuddle.  

Thursday, 23 May 2013

New perspectives

A view from my window...
What an outstanding week I had at the beginning of May in Victoria!  The weather was been beyond beautiful, coupled with the fact that I took a float plane for the first time, and worked with some visionary mathematics educators to draft  new curriculum.  Although I missed Scott, the kids, and Buddy our dog, I didn't mind having a whole bed to myself for several nights without hearing or feeling any little children's feet pitter-pattering their way into my bed and wrapping about my legs.  I was glad for the good night's sleep as I needed to be well rested for the thinking required of me during the day.

Stunning islands...
I pulled on my word of the year 'strength' many times during this week.  First, I had to be brave on the float plane.  I like flying but get nervous when I feel turbulence and when we met a few bumps on the way over, I frantically looked for a handle to hold on to... which there wasn't!  Minus the minor movements over the gulf, the flight was breath taking!  

Second (and this occurred more many times during the week) as I sat in the presence of the team of math educators working with me on the Math Curriculum, I questioned my position among these vastly experienced teachers in the area of mathematics.  I have always been passionate about mathematics but have never been required to think deeply about the big ideas in mathematics, which are important and how they could be articulated in words.  As I sat, listened, learned and contributed to conversations,  I honestly marvelled at my team members' brillance and felt honoured to spend the week with these amazing educators.  It was an experience I will never forget.  It brought me to a deeper level of understanding of mathematical pedagogy and for this I will forever be grateful.

Later today I leave for the ConnectEd Canada Conference in Calgary and I look forward to coming together with other math educators who are interested in the powerful learning and understanding that can occur when teachers combine inquiry-based approaches with technology in mathematics.  I anticipate an intense but fun weekend of learning and seeing new perspectives!  And I am excited for a Saturday evening with my cousin and her kids!

The bridge to Westham Island!
Minoru park and downtown Richmond.

Monday, 20 May 2013

Confessions of a student

If someone were to have observed me from afar this week, it would have become quite evident that changes were occurring in my behaviour patterns.  Funny things started to happen including me cleaning areas in my house that had not been touched in awhile (or ever!) and items on my "to-do list" began to disappear rapidly.  One might call this productive, while others who know better could tell you that this was actually my unique way of procrastinating.   This week I began my final two Master's classes.

Below is a link to one of the Photobooks I finished this week of our fun Springbreak trip with Scott's family to Cancun, Mexico!

Shutterfly allows you to customize your photo book just the way you want.

Sunday, 5 May 2013

Marvellous Mathematical Memories with Matthew

Moments of pride occur for parents when we are able to see our child shine ~ these become moments we truly cherish!  One that stood out for me occurred a couple of weeks ago at Delta’s Math Celebration held at Port Guichon Elementary School.

My son Matthew was invited to participate in this outstanding, well-organized math event held by Donna Bletcher, Delta’s Mathematics Consultant.  Students were grouped into teams that worked collaboratively to share, discuss strategies, and discover solutions to mathematical problems.  As a math educator, I loved that the focus went beyond simply getting the right answer and instead valued the process of learning.  An inquiry approach was used as the questions were open-ended and had multiple pathways to answers.  This promoted active learning requiring both a hands-on and minds-on approach.  Points were awarded for exploration, communication, risk taking, use of multiple strategies, and cooperative learning.  Students worked as communities of learners, helping and learning from each other. 

As I observed my son and the other students in the room, you could see the high levels of engagement, enjoyment and motivation, as evidenced by the smiles and laughter upon the faces of all of the participants and observers.   It was mathematics at its finest!

Not only was I proud to be Matthew’s mom, I was proud to be a parent in the Delta School District.  A huge thank you to Donna Bletcher and all of the other educators who took part in creating proud mathematical memories for students and parents of Delta schools.

Matt's close buddy Nolan doing some big math thinking!

Matthew and his team!  He is on the far right.

The Neilson Grove Students!

Sunday, 20 January 2013

Strength - My 2013 Little Word

Wow ~ what a year it has been.   2012 was very good to me and my family but wasn't without its challenges.

My word for 2012 was WONDER.  I did a lot of wondering and in the end I think I came out of the year knowing more, thinking more critically, and having a better overall view of life in general.   Some days I simply wondered how I would survive everything I needed to do... and other days I would lose myself in wondering about complex topics.   I have always been passionately curious.   I ask a lot of questions and like all the little details.  My questions allowed me to view and think about things, people, family, and education from multiple perspectives.   This helped me to focus in on what is important and what is less so.

Unfortunately as my schedule became increasingly busy, I wasn't able to write on my blog as often as I would have liked.  I did wonder how I could make this a priority as I find that through writing I am able to thoughtfully reflect and come to better understandings.   I never did find a way!

This year my focus word of the year came to me early.   Some time in October I felt the need to channel my inner strength to help guide and sustain me through what I believe will be one of the most challenging periods of my life ~ finishing the last bit of my Masters (completion set for August), working 80% (really 100% plus), parenting two kids, learning a new role at UBC, and holding dear those other things in life that I value such as friends, family and fun.  It was in this moment that I knew I had my word.

Although I am only in the beginning of understanding what Strength will mean to me this year, below are some of my initial thoughts.

This year I need strength:
  • to stay focused and positive and not let the burden of worries tarnish the happiness of the day
  • to have the difficult discussions and say things that others may not want to hear but need to hear in thoughtful, and respectful ways.  In my new role, this is a requirement. 
  • to find the energy to deal with parenting challenges that should be addressed.   It is far easier to let things go but that doesn't do anyone any good.  
  • to stay up late at night working so that I can give daytime hours to my family.
  • to honour my own professional thoughts and opinions and stand for what I believe in.
  • to say "no" to things and not feel badly.  Unfortunately this means no book club, less coffee dates, and missing some 240 club meetings.
  • to remain calm and rationale when what I really feel like doing is screaming and throwing a fit!
  • to resist those late night snacks!
  • to let go of my wish to have the house (well, really the floors) clean at all times.
  • to try to post at least twice a month on the blog.   I have found that writing brings me much reflection, laughter, and peace.  
  • to remember that I do have the strength to endure ~ I just need to believe I can do it. 
Much thanks goes to both Janice and Lisa for their blogs and journeys with the one Little Word Project which was initiated by Ali Edwards.  Their blogposts bring me much wisdom, laughter, connections, reflections, and smiles.   I also thank my friend Toshi who got me kick-started and taught me how to blog.  A year into blogging I am hooked.  Throughout my grandfather's life he wrote in a daily journal and these have since been converted to text and shared with the family.   I see this as his ultimate legacy which he left for us and although I do not place my blog in this high regard, I do believe it is part of my small little footprint in this world.