Monday, 27 February 2012

Being Present

Tonight Scott reminded me that my balance scale has been tipped lately too much towards my studies and general learning interests.  He reminded me that I need to try to stay present with him and the kids.

Two key examples occurred tonight.   First when Megan asked me to scribe a story for her (she injured one of her fingers badly while bowling yesterday and can't write properly).  While I was busy at the computer, she asked me three times to help her write and each time my response was "in just a minute".   Well, the feisty, determined little girl that she is, got tired of that response and when into the garage to ask her Daddy (Scott) who was playing hockey with Matthew, to help her.   Scott told her to come in and relay the message to Mommy to "get off the computer".  

Second example was later in the evening, when I had to ask Scott a couple of times what I just missed in the episode of Grey's Anatomy that we were watching together... or shall I say he was watching and I was masterminding my "To Do" list for tomorrow.  

Lately I have been "obsessed" with Technology 2.0 and find it hard to pull myself away from the screen.   I love learning and have been trying out new programs such as Evernote, Google Presentations, Google Reader, and so on.  I have never been a person who goes at things half way, be it projects, baking or learning...   that is just not the way I roll.  Instead I chase after things at full speed and sometimes (a lot of the times) become consumed along the way.   Generally this is 'good thing' as it has helped me to accomplish many goals and dreams, but tonight I was happy to have my best friend and husband remind me of what is really important in my life.  

As I did one last little check-in with my computer on my way up to bed I stumbled upon this "To Do List" Vimeo and it was like the universe was reaching out and talking to me!   It was serendipitous... 

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Digital Natives

Last Friday I arrived home from a professional development day exhausted but full of exciting knowledge to share with my children.   Among the many things I learned, was a new Ipad app call NFB Pixstop.   It is an app that allows allows one to create their own short stop-motion films with ease and fluidity.  When I read about the app online, it was written that it is for 10 year olds and up, but I came home and taught Megan and Matthew and within minutes Megan, who is 6, was making "Teddy" movies.  Megan wants Teddy to become famous so I promised I would post on her movies on my blog.   I am still in awe of the fact that within 10 minutes of being shown how to use this app, Megan was able to create the movie below.

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Confessions of a mom...

Recently my son has been bringing home his recorder to practice.  He is eager to show me the "songs" he has learned and is proud of his accomplishments... each time he plays a song correctly,  his music teacher ties different colour strings around the recorder.  He is so proud of his strings!

I sit and smile as he plays... like a good mom should, but each time he misses a note and the recorder belts out a loud, screeching, nails on chalkboard like sound, I wonder to myself how on earth does his poor music teacher do it???  Not to mention, she has 24 little darlings belting out songs on their recorders and likely not in unison!

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Exciting News

Today I am wondering about the impending changes in my life.  I am pleased to announce that next September I will be working at UBC as an Adjunct Faculty Professor.  This has been a dream of mine for many years and I am so excited to be able to pursue this amazing opportunity.

Fifteen years ago, when I began my B.Ed at UBC I met my own faculty advisor, Cheryl Douglas who showed me a new way of teaching.   She and other outstanding educators since, have inspired me in so many ways and have positively shaped my practice and helped me to grow professionally.   I will forever be indebted to colleagues/educators such as, Cheryl, Janice, Jean, Rosamar, Rika, Joanne, Kathyrn, Marianne, Karen, Steve, Jen, both Michelles, Adrienne, Susan, Lisa, Melanie, Andrew, Mike, Braunwyn, Hieu, Caroline, Megan, Lana and many others (my list could go on and on).   Now that I have been teaching for several years, and am broadening my knowledge of education through my Graduate studies, I feel ready to try my hand at mentoring teacher candidates and hopefully inspire a few along the way.

As I prepare our family for my busier schedule (I will be going from working 50% to 80% - 4 days total - 3 days at UBC and 1 day at Errington Elementary) I hope that they will be able to adjust without too much trouble. Scott is very proud and supportive and together I know we can navigate the waters.   Tomorrow we meet with a prospective young lady interested in doing before and after school care for us.  She is a college student who seems enthusiastic, caring and experienced with kids so I hope that she will meet our needs and assist in making the transition from having mommy home to someone else, less stressful for M & M.  We plan to have whomever we hire start one day/week until June so that the kids can begin to form a relationship with her.  This way the changes in September might be eased.  

With all change, I have mixed feelings of excitement, nervousness, worries, and many wonders!


Last night I got together with my favourite group of ladies for our "240" club/book club.  We've all been so busy that we decided to join the two clubs together, seeing as how most of the members are the same.

Our "240" club usually meets once a month and each participant brings $20.  There are 12 of us, so hence $240 is collected.   Then we draw a name and that person wins the pot.   Each member wins once a year... The only rule is that the person who wins needs to spend the money on something just for themselves and try to purchase something they would not normally purchase.  (A general guideline is if your husband won't let you buy it - then that is exactly what you should buy because this is "your" money!)   It isn't just about the money but really more of a unique way to get us altogether because in our busy lives, if we don't schedule get togethers, they just won't happen.

Anyway, I LOVE these nights!   I feel so fortunate to have such an amazing group of women to call my friends.  Some of us met in prenatal classes with our first babies.  Then as we attended "Mommy Classes" at Thompson Community Centre more people joined our group.  A couple of the ladies lived in Ladner at the time and oddly enough over the years five more of us moved out that way.  As a group we have added new members, lost a few who moved away but overall our friendships have grown and regardless of living in Richmond, Burnaby, Tswasn or Ladner, our bond of friendship binds us together.   Our children benefit since traditions have grown out the group such as annual:

  • Halloween Parties 
  • Camping trip to Cultas with 12 families
  • Canada Day Party
  • July 4th Parade and Lunch in Point Roberts
  • birthday parties
And as couples we enjoy annual events such as:
  • Summer Bar-b-que
  • Christmas Party
  • Girls weekend to the spa or shopping down south (no men allowed)
Our husbands have become friends too and enjoy a rotating Monday football night with each other, as well as numerous hockey/football pools and two "boys only" golfing weekend trips.   

These women enrich my life in so many deep ways. Together we rejoice in celebrations, support in difficult times, share in our passions... baking, reading, teaching, challenge each other in positive ways, unite in our love of motherhood, and enjoy lots of laughter, hugs, smiles, and love along our intertwined journeys.   

Yesterday at my pro-d day I spoke with another woman who was also part of a similar group of women and together we reflected on how lucky we were.   My wish for all the women of the world, would be that they could be as lucky as I, and have a group of their own BEST-EES because my life has been made so much better because of them!!!

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Giving love...

Happy Valentine's Day to all!   I am just home from a wonderful "date" with my son, Matthew.   He chose to go to McDonalds and what a great lunch we had.   I don't get much time one on one with him anymore.   He is so busy with soccer and hockey and his Dad usually takes him early to get ready and I arrive right at game time, so I miss those talks in the car.   Today we caught up and although he is getting older, he still was happy to hold my hand and when he finished eating, he came and sat and cuddled with me on the bench side of our booth.   It meant the world to me and I could tell he was happy too, to have time alone with me.

Upon return to school he was very excited for his class's Valentine's Party.  He made homemade brownies last night (assisted by his Daddy) and iced/sprinkled them this morning with the assistance of his sister and I.  A quote from Matthew this morning who watched Megan ice her own brownies, went "Wow mommy, look Megan is as good as you at icing... she's awesome!"

I also put special notes in each of the kids lunches (I do this at least once or twice a week) and tried to make Megan's "Sharing Lunch" a little extra fun, with heart shaped fruit and veggies!   She didn't come for lunch with us because her class had lunch plans.

Tonight, my UBC class is cancelled so I plan to attend Sparks with Megan and look forward to time alone with Scott after the kids go to bed.   I hope my family knows how much I love them all the days of the year, but especially today, Valentine's Day!   I am blessed to have some many people to love!

Sunday, 12 February 2012

Happy Valentine's Day

Marshmallow pops, Heart Krispie squares, Sugar Cookies and Jello
 Jigglers with white sweetened condensed milk middle!

Valentine's popcorn - add coloured M&M's

Today 21 little people descended up my house from 2 - 4pm.   We had so much fun!  Each friend stuffed a heart fleece pillow, made a candy kabob, and had fun playing games!   Thanks to Pinterest for all the amazing ideas.   The kiddies enjoyed playing suck up the M&M with a straw and placing it in the cup, using chopsticks to try to see how many hearts they could get into their cups, and a heart building tower game!

Being a teacher I planned my timing so that the end of the Valentine's Chipmunk video ended right at 4pm.   The kiddies were wonderful, gracious and so sweet to one another!  I also had a few moms stick around to help, which was so nice and we enjoyed visiting while the kiddies watched the video.  Also, a BIG thanks go out to my good friend Jen, who came over early to help me finish cutting and tying all the little pillows...  I love planning and hosting parties with kiddies but when you have plans Friday night, school all day Saturday and a family dinner Saturday night, it leaves very little time to get ready!
Making Candy Kabobs - organization is key.  Each child had a bag of their own candies and the candies need to be soft!

Suck up the Smarties with straws game!

Pick up the conversation hearts with chopsticks!
Stuffing the pillows and tying the last few open ends.

Me and One of My Sweethearts!

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Need to see a movie...

Tonight as I am the last one awake in my house, I think I need to see the movie with Sarah Jessica Parker "I Don't Know How Does She Does It?" Because I can tell you, in this household, it is coming at the expense of sleep.

Lately I have tried to be cognisant of the fact that when I am home with my kids and not doing the necessities like making dinner, cleaning, and so on... that I want to be present with them playing, talking, cuddling, reading or just being there and not staring at the computer screen.  I also want to make sure that Scott and I get some time to talk at night too.   Due to the kids activities which have us constantly on the go, we really need and enjoy that daily time to connect, check in and review for the next day.

*On another note, we have decided that next year we will be limiting the kids activities (well at least, Megan).   Megan wanted to do everything this year... two dances, sparks, and figures skating which is twice a week for 2 hours each time.   We obliged, thinking we were doing the right thing.   But now as skating has become more of a chore for her and less fun, we realise that we must set limits.   Next year 2 things only!*

Anyway, what this all means for me, is that the other aspects of my life,  like my studies, school work (yes, teaching is NOT 9 - 3), blogging, and reading educational information via platforms like Twitter/blogs and my baking all have to wait until after 9:30 pm or happen during the days I am off, which isn't always enough time.    This week happened to be an especially busy week with one presentation, an assignment due, a difficult discussion with a friend, and continued prep for Megan's Valentine's Party (14 more little pillows to go).   Generally I feel that I balance things fairly well, but this week things have been a bit off.  I can tell when I am really busy because the PVR is backing up with all my programs... well, actually mostly just Y & R, which is really just a sickness of mine.  

Anyway, I know that somehow it will all get done... dinner with girlfriends tomorrow night, UBC all day Saturday, birthday dinner for my Mom Saturday night, 14 more pillows to make, cookies, krispie squares, marshmallow pops, and jello jigglers to make.  Thank goodness the party isn't until 2pm.   I was touched tonight when a friend offered to help out but really I don't know any other way than busy!

Tuesday, 7 February 2012


Today, as think about unanswered questions in my life and my brother-in-laws I am reminded of this...

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Cannot Talk

Yup, it's official - my voice is gone!  Not sure who is going to love it more the kids (no more shouting from me) or Scott (whom I will no longer be able to nag).  And all of this happens two days before I have to give a presentation in one of my UBC classes - Lovely :)

This weekend I had big plans to tackle some upcoming assignments for my UBC classes.   And what did I do?  I completely and totally avoided my studies... Instead, my kitchen floors and bathrooms were all cleaned and I prepared for a Valentine's party Megan and I are hosting here next weekend.   Why I thought I would have time to host a Valentine's party for 20 little 6 year olds is beyond me!   Sometimes I wonder why I do this to myself!

And for the little pillows I planned to have the kids make - well, I tried a sample with Megs and it looks like I will be making all 20 pillows and just having the kiddies stuff them and tie three knots to seal them up.   Yes, tonight instead of doing much needed school work, the kids and I stuffed ziploc bags with candy for the Valentine Candy Kabobs they will make; we made puffy pompoms to hang from the ceiling and I began what will be the long enduring task of cutting out heart pillows.

On a different note, Scott and I  did enjoy a friend's 40th birthday party and sadly have come to the realization that we will be going to MANY of these, including our own in the new few years!   I am sure my 40's will be great years but for now I am holding tightly onto my 30's!

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Big and Little Hands

 Have you ever wondered about your children's hands?  I do.  Since my daughter was little I often enjoy looking at her little, and often dirty hands.  I am amazed at how similar they are to mine and how similar mine are to my mom's.  Yesterday I had my nails done professionally (something I rarely ever do!) and Megan took notice right away.  Today I had to laugh when I saw her dirty little fingers.  At first I thought it was from playing outside but then I realized that she had used coloured markers to colour her nails.  I asked her why she didn't use polish and she scoffed "Don't be silly mommy, we don't have nail polish in school!"   Ahh, I should have known...
My favourite part of my hands that I tell Megan and Matthew about, is how when you look at my palms (face up) I have lines that form an M on each hand.  One "M" for Matthew and the other "M" for Matthew.